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The deepest level of the Northwood Family of Church's leadership development pipeline is the Northwood School of Ministry. In the Northwood School of Ministry our aim is to train students to know, maintain, and pass on the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). Whether you are a part of our Residency Program or just someone who is following a call to deepen your faith and be further prepared for ministry in your local church context, the Northwood School of Ministry is a resource that can help you.

The Northwood School of Ministry offers up to 24 hours of master’s level classes that can be transferred to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary  for credit towards a Master of Arts or Master of Divinity degree. All our classes have been patterned after the corresponding courses offered at SEBTS and have been pre-approved by the SEBTS Registrar's Office for full credit transfer. The Northwood School of ministry offers classes at a minimal expense to students. One of the advantages of the Northwood School of Ministry is small class settings that enhance engagement with the material and feedback on assignments. NSOM professors are practitioners who serve faithfully in the local church and who prepare students to serve faithfully in the local church.

For more information about the Northwood School of Ministry contact Dr. Jonathan Watson, Associate Pastor of Ministry Training, Northwood Baptist Church - Greenridge.

Josh Martin


The Northwood School of Ministry was the most impactful theological training I have ever received. It afforded me the opportunity to learn in a small classroom setting and put to practice what I had learned all within the local church. It helped me to think rightly about God and how to serve the people of God for the glory of God. I highly recommend it for those seeking to pursue vocational ministry

Sarah Griz


I thank God for my time at the Northwood School of Ministry because it has helped me build a biblical foundation from Genesis to Revelation, showing me that I was created all for God’s glory and that my role is to faithfully participate on God’s mission. These lessons have deepened my joy and passion for serving in my current context by discipling women and children and helping them understand their role in the Great Commission. Additionally, they have helped me see the importance of developing an ethic that glorifies Christ in the manner I share Christ's light in everything I do.

Andy Sage


Northwood School of Ministry provided me a unique opportunity to earn seminary credit while learning in my local church environment. My classes, taught by Northwood’s pastors, were personalized for my interests and goals. They provided me first-hand vision into the opportunities and challenges inherent in a local church setting, equipping me with a hands-on approach to seminary that insightfully prepared me for future ministry service.


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